Iranian Classification Society Rules

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2015Section 1 GeneralSection 2 ClassificationSection 3 DefinitionsCHAPTER 2 REGISTRATION AND CLASSIFICATION SURVEYSSection 1 GeneralSection 2 Classification Survey During ConstructionSection 3 Periodical SurveyCHAPTER 3 LONGITUDINAL STRENGTHSection 1 Longitudinal StrengthCHAPTER 4 SHELL PLATING AND DECKSSection 1 Shell PlatingSection 2 DecksCHAPTER 5 INTERNAL FRAMESSection 1 Transverse Framing SystemSection 2 Longitudinal Framing SystemCHAPTER 6 PILLARS AND TRUSSESSection 1 GeneralSection 2 Scantling of PillarsSection 3 TrussesCHAPTER 7 WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS AND DEEP TANKSection 1 Arrangement of Watertight BulkheadsSection 2 Construction of Watertight BulkheadsSection 3 Deep Tank ConstructionSection 4 Fittings of Deep TanksCHAPTER 8 SUPERSTRUCTURE AND DECK HOUSESection 1 GeneralSection 2 Superstructure End BulkheadsSection 3 Access Opening in Superstructure End BulkheadsSection 4 Deck House ConstructionCHAPTER 9 HATCHWAYS, DECK OPENINGS AND OTHER EQUIPMENTSection 1 GeneralSection 2 HatchwaysSection 3 Companionway and Other Deck OpeningsSection 4 Bulwarks and GuardrailsSection 5 Freeing PortsSection 6 VentilatorsSection 7 Companion WayCHAPTER 10 HOPPER TYPE DREDGERSSection 1 GeneralSection 2 Construction and ArrangementSection 3 Longitudinal StrengthSection 4 Shell Plating and DeckSection 5 Transverse Framing SystemSection 6 Longitudinal Framing SystemSection 7 Transverse RingSection 8 Hopper Well StructureCHAPTER 11 EQUIPMENTSection 1 Anchor, Chain and RopeCHAPTER 12 DREDGER REGISTERED WITH RESTRICTED SERVICESSection 1 GeneralSection 2 Vessel Registered with Coastal ServiceSection 3 Dredger Registered with Smooth Water ServiceCHAPTER 13 MACHINERY OF DREDGERSSection 1 Machinery and Dredging Equipment of Non Self-propelled dredgersSection 2 Machinery Installations of Self-propelled dredgersRULES FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF DREDGERS